Actor Rajeev Khandelwal is currently busy promoting his upcoming drama show Showtime. Directed by Mihir Desai and Archit Kumar, Showtime is touted to be an "epic saga of legacy and ambition in the world of cinema", which will give the audience a sneak peek into what goes behind the multi-million-dollar industry of Bollywood, nepotism, and the power struggles at the top. The show stars Emraan Hashmi, Naseeruddin Shah, Mahima Makwana, Rajeev Khandelwal, and Shriya Saran in the lead roles. Showtime Trailer: Emraan Hashmi's Disney+ Hotstar Series Promises an Epic Saga of Legacy and Ambition in the World of Cinema (Watch Video).
Talking about his character in Showtime, actor Rajeev told ANI, "My character shows that side of contemporary actors which you have not seen...My character shows how a superstar is in their personal and professional life..." In the trailer, Emraan is seen playing the role of an influential film producer. The reporter, played by Mahima Makwana, can be heard discussing topics like nepotism on television. Mahima Makwana told ANI, "This (web series) was a very big opportunity for me. It is an incredible opportunity to share the screen space with all these actors..." Showtime: Emraan Hashmi, Mouni Roy, Shriya Saran, Rajeev Khandelwal’s Disney+ Hotstar Series to Premiere on March 8 (Watch Video).
View Showtime Trailer:
Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, Somen Mishra and Mihir Desai are serving as the executive producers of the show. Showtime will be out on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar on March 8. Rajeev is known for his performances in films like Table No 21, Bloody Daddy, and Aamir, among others.