Raashii Khanna and Vikrant Massey have announced the film wrap of their upcoming movie The Sabarmati Report. Raashii took to her social media handle to share behind-the-scenes photos. Taking to her Instagram account, the Yodha actress posted candid moments from the sets, showing everyone happy during filming. She also shared a picture with the director Ranjan Chandel. The Sabarmati Report: Raashii Khanna Shares BTS Glimpse From the Sets As They Wrap Up Sabarmati Report With Vikrant Massey (View Pics)

She captioned the picture with a note that read, "And it's a wrap for #thesabarmatireport where we chased some truths and deadlines. Here's to the power of stories and the voices that need to be heard. Cannot wait for you all to see this story unfold on the big screen!. Also, extremely grateful to have worked with this dedicated and wonderful team.! In the pictures, Raashii and Vikrant can be seen sitting on a bench engaged in a discussion. In another picture, the actress can be seen standing on the doorstep of a train bogie. As per a PR release, the film narrates a story of events that took place in the Sabarmati Express on the morning of February 27, 2002, near the Godhra railway station in Gujarat. The Sabarmati Report: Vikrant Massey Uncovers Truth Behind 2002 Godhra Train Burning in His Next, Movie To Release on May 3 (Watch Announcement Video).

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The film is all set to hit theatres on May 3. Meanwhile, Vikrant Massey is basking in the success of his recently released movie 12th Fail. He will also be seen in the second instalment of Hassen Dilruba, titled Phir Aayi Haseen Dilruba. Raashii Khanna, on the other hand, was recently seen in the aerial action thriller film Yodha' opposite Sidharth Malhotra.