Actress Priyanka Chopra was bestowed with an honorary award at the prestigious Red Sea Film Festival 2024, held in Jeddah. The event, which brings together filmmakers and talent from around the globe, celebrated Chopra's remarkable contributions to global cinema. ‘Thank You for the Wonderful Honour’: Priyanka Chopra Expresses Gratitude for Receiving the Prestigious Honorees Award at the Red Sea International Film Festival 2024 (Watch Video).
The award was presented to Chopra by 'Sex and the City' star Sarah Jessica Parker, who described it as a "true honour" to recognize Chopra's achievements.
Priyanka Chopra Receives Honour at Red Sea Film Festival 2024, Shares Emotional Words for Nick Jonas and Late Father
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The actress, known for her roles in both Hollywood and Bollywood, was joined on the red carpet by her husband, singer-actor Nick Jonas, who looked dapper in a black blazer and trousers.
Priyanka herself dazzled in a shimmering gown, radiating grace and joy as the couple made their way down the red carpet.
In her acceptance speech, Chopra expressed deep gratitude for the recognition.
"Thank you for the wonderful honour, Red Sea Film Festival," she said, sharing her appreciation on social media alongside stunning photos from the event. "Congratulations to all the winners and participants. Here's to continually bringing the world of entertainment together."
Chopra's speech highlighted the importance of the Red Sea Film Festival in fostering a space for filmmakers across cultures and languages.
Reflecting on her career, she shared how, early in her journey, she was told that non-English films wouldn't be able to "travel" internationally. "I come from an industry that spoke Hindi and Telugu, basically non-English films. Yet, we are here today," she remarked, commending the festival for creating a platform that transcends borders, language, and nationality.
The actress expressed her gratitude to her fellow artists and collaborators, as well as to her family. Addressing Nick Jonas, she lovingly said, "My wonderful husband is here, waiting to escort me down, the gentleman that he is."
She also took a moment to honour her late father, who passed away in 2013. "My father was the first entertainer I ever knew," Chopra said.
"He showed me how much joy there is in being the person in the middle of a party. He was that person. He taught me how to be confident and vulnerable at the same time," she added.
In addition to thanking her loved ones, Chopra also acknowledged the global filmmaking community. "We get to play for a living, we get to tell stories for a living, and we get to dream for a living," she said, adding, "And you have been able to bring people together outside of borders, languages to just celebrate this incredible medium of cinema." ‘Keep Your Fingers Crossed’: ‘Desi Girl’ Priyanka Chopra Hints About Bollywood Comeback in 2025 at the Red Sea International Film Festival 2024 (Watch Video).
Chopra concluded her speech by congratulating all the winners, filmmakers, and participants of the Red Sea Film Festival, praising the event for its role in bringing the world of cinema closer together.