Acclaimed South Korean director Park Chan-wook, known for films such as Oldboy and The Handmaiden, is headed to Netflix for his maiden project with the streamer titled War and Revolt. The award-winning filmmaker will co-write and produce War and Revolt, a period thriller following the lives of two childhood friends-turned-adversaries during Korea's Joseon dynasty. According to entertainment website The Hollywood Reporter, Kim Sang-man of Midnight FM fame will direct the upcoming movie. Robert Downey Jr Papped in Semi-Bald Look While Shooting For Park Chan-wook's The Sympathizer (View Pics).

The Korean-language feature film stars Gang Dong-won (Broker, Peninsula) and Park Jeong-min (Deliver Us from Evil, Bleak Night) in the lead. Gang will play the enigmatic Cheon-young, a character whose remarkable martial prowess defies his humble origins as a slave, and Park Jeong-min will essay the role of Jong-ryeo, Cheon-young's former master and scion of Joseon's most influential military family. After passing the military service exam, Jong-ryeo becomes King Seonjo's personal guard, leading to a heart-wrenching reunion with his former friend. "Struggling to break free from the chains of servitude, Cheon-young will be brought to life by Gang's extraordinary talent, exuding charm and delivering breathtaking action sequences that will leave audiences in awe... "Park's portrayal is expected to be nothing short of mesmerizing, as he delves deep into the complex psyche of a man torn between friendship and duty, ultimately facing his own downfall," Netflix said in a press release.  Old Boy Park Chan-Wook is Back in Cannes Race After Six-Year Hiatus.

War and Revolt also stars Cha Seung-won (Korean drama Our Blues) as King Seonjo, a monarch who abandons his people at the onset of the Japanese invasion, only to seek redemption by restoring his royal authority after the war; Hellbound actor Kim Shin-rok as the resolute Bumdong, a member of the civilian militia; Jin Seon-kyu of The Outlaws fame as Kim Ja-ryeong, a civilian militia leader; and The Glory star Jung Sung-il as the intimidating Japanese warlord Genshin, a mentor to Gang's Cheon-young. The film is produced by Moho Film, the Korean banner behind Park Chan-wook's last release Decision to Leave and The Handmaiden, in collaboration with Semicolon Studio. Park Chan-wook's next project as a director is the HBO miniseries The Sympathizer, starring Robert Downey Jr in multiple roles.