As India gears up for the 2024 Summer Olympics, which is being held in Paris this year, Bollywood celebrities are showing their support for the nation's athletes. On Friday, Deepika Padukone, took to her Instagram Stories to share a heartfelt message for the athletes. The actress dropped a video of the opening ceremony, highlighting Indian athletes PV Sindhu and Sharath Kamal, who led the Indian team as flagbearers during the Parade of Nations on the River Seine in Paris, France. A total of 78 athletes and officials were aboard a boat, cheering and proudly waving the Indian flag. Deepika used the hashtag #Olympics2024 in her post and chose the song ''Lehra Do'' from K Kabir Khan's film 83 to accompany the story. Lady Gaga’s Performance at 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Draws Inspiration From Zizi Jeanmaire’s Classic ‘Mon Truc en Plumes’ (View Post).

Ajay Devgn also took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to express his admiration for Indian athletes. Calling them the "pride of our nation," Ajay tweeted his encouragement, stating, "Be assured that we will be cheering our hearts out to see perform. It's time to bring home the hardware. Cheers and good luck!" his tweet reads. Suniel Shetty also showed his support on Instagram. He posted an Instagram Story featuring several Indian athletes on a poster for India at Paris 2024. In his caption, Suniel extended his best wishes, saying, "Wishing our incredible athletes the very best for the Paris Olympics. The nation stands behind you as you #GoForGlory. Jai Hind." For the first time in the history of the Summer Games, the opening ceremony of the Olympics was held outside the stadium. Paris Olympics 2024 Becomes First-Ever Gender-Equal Olympic Games.

Deepika Padukone's Insta Status

Deepika Padukone's Post (Photo Credits: Instagram)

The spectacular opening ceremony broke away from the convention by taking place outside the stadium. Leading the Indian team were two-time medallist, PV Sindhu and five-time Olympian Sharath Kamal. This is the first time in the summer event's history that participants have sailed through a river to enter the Olympics. The iconic French midfielder Zinedine Zidane made an appearance in a pre-recorded video carrying the Olympic flame to kickstart the opening ceremony. From Stade de France, he sprinted and carried the flame. Before the Parade of Nations, the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, were introduced at the Trocadero. The 2024 Summer Olympics began on July 26 and will conclude on August 11 this year.