Newlywed actor Parineeti Chopra, on Monday, shared a glimpse of her 'girl's trip' from the Maldives. She dropped a picture on her Instagram and wrote, "NOT on a honeymoon! Photo taken by sister-in-law #GirlsTrip. The Mission Raniganj actor wore a black swimsuit and can be seen enjoying in a swimming pool. She also flaunted her pink chooda (Bangles). Earlier, Parineeti also clarified that it was not her honeymoon with her husband and Aam Aadmi Party leader Raghav Chadha with a photo in which she hold a cup of coffee and again flaunted her pink chooda. (Bangles). Parineeti Chopra Is All Smiles As She Takes a Blissful Walk Down The Aisle, Check Out Viral Video Here!.
Recently, the new bride in town on Saturday walked the ramp in the Lakme Fashion Week. She turned a muse for One Infinite presented by Faabiiana and Vvani by Vani Vats. The showstopper for Vats donned an ivory saree with heavy border embroidery and flaunted her look with sindoor and pink chooras (bangles). Parineeti looked gorgeous in her shimmery sari with a dupatta styled as a shrug. She completed the look with a beautiful necklace, ear studs and statement rings. Parineeti Chopra Gets Married to Raghav Chadha in Udaipur, Rajasthan!.
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While sharing her excitement, Parineeti said, "I am very happy as this is my first appearance after marriage and I am in my home city Delhi so it is a very special feeling. Karishma is always one of my favourites and I have been wearing her design for so long that I wanted one of my wedding outfits designed by her." Parineeti and Raghav got married in Udaipur on September 24 in a lavish wedding ceremony. Meanwhile, on the acting front, she was seen in Mission Raniganj: The Great Bharat Rescue opposite Akshay Kumar. The movie was released on October 6.