Actor Vanessa Hudgens announced on Sunday that she is pregnant with her first child when she walked onto the Oscars red carpet with a visible baby bump. Host of the Oscars Red Carpet Show arrived in style, Hudgens made her bump debut in a long-sleeved black dress with a trail. As far as makeup is concerned, Hudgens kept it dewy with nude lips, and for her hair, she went for a high-top half-done hairstyle. Oscars 2024 Best Dressed Celebs: Florence Pugh, Margot Robbie, Emma Stone, Zendaya, Charlize Theron, Ariana Grande, and Other A-Listers Dazzle on the Red Carpet!.

For accessories, she wore several pieces of diamonds, including a stunning necklace, rings, and earrings. The Spring Breakers star is co-hosting the Academy Awards's official pre-show with Julianne Hough. This marks Hudgens' third consecutive year hosting the official Oscars pre-show, with Hough joining the actress for the first time. The 30-minute special will highlight nominees, performers and presenters and give viewers a multiview experience of red-carpet arrivals at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. Oscars 2024: Host Jimmy Kimmel Takes a Dig at Dakota Johnson's Madame Web in The Opening Monologue!.

Vanessa Hudgens At The Oscars

Recently, on the March 6 episode of the She Pivots podcast, Hudgens slammed pregnancy speculation that first rose in October, as per Variety. She said, "I literally just had a run-in with the public taking control over their opinion of me in a way that was disrespectful. I went out on my bachelorette party in October and I posted video of me, and there are all these comments that are like, 'Oh my god, you're pregnant.'" She even called the remarks "so rude. I'm sorry I don't wear Spanx every day and am a real woman and have a real body."

Hudgens married Major League Baseball player Cole Tucker in December 2023 in an intimate ceremony in Mexico after dating for about three years.

The 96th Oscars is being held at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, according to The Hollywood Reporter.