Odiya filmmaker Sanjay Nayak was arrested on Saturday for allegedly assaulting a female journalist, police said. In a complaint filed at the Kharvel Nagar police station, the woman alleged that the filmmaker, popularly known as Tutu Nayak, slapped her and hurled abuses, at a programme on Friday (Nov 3). "I was shocked and my mike and mobile phone fell off my hands. As I sat down to gather the items, he hit me on my back. I don't know why he behaved like this," she alleged. Elvish Yadav Arrested by Kota Police Over Allegations of Selling Snake Venom in Rave Parties – Reports.
Based on the complaint, a case was filed under IPC sections 341 (wrongful restraint), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 294 (use of obscene words in public place) and 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty)."The accused has been arrested after police found that a prima facie case is made against him. We have recorded the statement of the journalist. All legal procedures will be followed," said Rajanikant Mishra, the inspector-in-charge of Kharvel Nagar police station. After the arrest, Nayak was taken to a hospital for medical examination. A court decided to hear his bail petition on Monday, following which he was sent to judicial custody. Chetan Kumar Arrested in Bengaluru After Kannada Actor's Tweet ‘Hindutva Is Built On Lies’ Goes Viral.
Sanjay Nayak Arrested:
ପ୍ରଯୋଜକ ଟୁଟୁ ନାୟକଙ୍କ ବିରୋଧରେ କଡା କାର୍ଯ୍ୟାନୁଷ୍ଠାନ ହେବା ଉଚିତ କି ?#SanjayNayak #DebasmitaRout #journalist #Bhubaneswar pic.twitter.com/x9IhDAnp1y
— Kanak News (@kanak_news) November 3, 2023
Director Sudhakar Basant, who visited the police station after the arrest, said Nayak will apologise for his action. "He wanted to tender an apology to the journalist on Friday, but could not reach her as her phone was switched off," he said. In a statement, Nayak had on Friday claimed that the allegation was false and fabricated.
"As she was standing in the middle of the gate, I mildly patted her asking her to give space. Neither I had the intention to beat her, nor did I indulge in an argument with her. If I hurt her, I am sorry for that," he said. Taking suo-moto cognisance of the incident, Odisha State Commission for Women (OSCW) sought a detailed report from the police by November 20.
Nayak, the president of the Utkal Cine Chamber of Commerce (UCCC), is in the eye of a storm after the industry body "banned" actor Manoj Mishra. He was banned for allegedly engineering a protest in Sambalpur against a film of another actor. Earlier, two actresses alleged that Nayak sought sexual favors from them for giving them work.