Singers Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas, and Joe Jonas landed in Mumbai on Saturday morning ahead of their performance at music festival Lollapalooza India. Nick was seen in a pastel-coloured Co-ord set that he teamed with a white hat and a black coloured sling bag. Kevin was seen wearing an olive green T-shirt with black trousers and Joe wore a red T-shirt under a blue shirt and grey trousers and topped his look with a yellow hat. Lollapalooza 2024: Nick Jonas Arrives in India With Brothers Kevin and Joe for the Musical Festival (Watch Video).

The two-day gig is scheduled to be held on January 27 and January 28 at the Mahalaxmi Race Course in Mumbai according to BookMyShow Live, which earlier announced the line-up of artists. The festival will also feature performances by Halsey, modern dance music duo Jungle, English rock band Royal Blood, American rapper JPEGMAFIA, Italian EDM artist Meduza, French house DJ Malaa, and the unique blend of psychedelic and pop music from Caribou. Lollapalooza To Return to India in January 2024; Check Out the Dates and Venue Where the Music Festival Is Set To Take Place.

Jonas Brothers In India:


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Performers also include Anoushka Shankar, The Raghu Dixit Project and When Chai Met Toast, as well as The Karan Kanchan Experience, Parvaaz, Prabh Deep, Dualist Inquiry, Komorebi, Parekh & Singh, Skrat, Kamakshi Khanna, JBABE, Chrms, Dewdrops, Shashwat Bulusu, Jatayu, Monophonik, Sublime Sound, Stalvart John, Long Distances and Megan Murray. Imagine Dragons and Jackson Wang were among those who performed at the previous edition of Lollapalooza.