Filmmaker Rohit Shetty is all set to bring his highly anticipated stunt-based reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 in a few days. Speaking to ANI, Rohit shared how he never imagined hosting such a show and details about Khatron Ke Khiladi’s 13th instalment that will be hosted in Cape Town, South Africa. He said, “This is our family business. My dad was an action and stunt director, so seeing him I followed his footsteps. Never thought that such a show like would ever be made. And I would be offered to me and then I will host it, not for one or two seasons but 8 seasons. I am thankful to the audience and God that it becomes so popular and grateful for the viewer’s love that they are showing towards the show to date.” Khatron Ke Khiladi 13: Sheezan Khan Reveals Rohit Shetty's Reality Show Has Helped Boost His Confidence.
Rohit spilled beans about the contestants of the show. He stated. “In this season, 90 per cent of the contestants were new, whom I did not know earlier. There are many like Dino, who is a rapper who did the stunts very well. There is Rashmeet, who is a singer. And more, television actor Arjit, his journey in the show will be interesting to watch as how he was afraid of heights, then he gradually grows. Everyone is on their own journey. Just like it happens in the film that it starts off on a normal pace and then it will progress and you will get to see a lot of that in this season.” The 12th season of the adventure show gathered positive responses from the audience. Shot in Cape Town, South Africa the show featured some breathtaking stunts.
Watch Khatron ke Khiladi 13 Promo:
Aishwarya Sharma, Anjali Anand, Anjum Fakih, Archana Gautam, Arjit Taneja, Daisy Shah, Dino James, Nyra Banerjee, Rashmeet Kaur, Rohit Roy, Ruhi Chaturvedi, Sheezan Khan, Shiv Thakare and Soundous Moufaki are part of this KKK’s 13the season. The show hosted by Rohit Shetty is based on the format of the American show Fear Factor. Khatron Ke Khiladi 13: Abdu Rozik to Be Part of Rohit Shetty’s Reality Show - Reports.
Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 is set to premiere on July 15 2023 on Colors TV.
Apart from KKK 13, Rohit will be soon making his OTT directorial debut with the upcoming series Indian Police Force which stars Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty and Vivek Oberoi in the lead roles.The series will stream exclusively on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video. Not only that, he will also be directing Ajay Devgn and Deepika Padukone starrer Singham Again.