Ever since Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu won the title of Miss Universe 2021, the young diva has been busy travelling across the globe. On Thursday, she was spotted visiting the famous Empire State Building in New York City. Several videos of her visit to the iconic skyscraper have been doing the rounds on the internet. One can also get a glimpse of her visit on the official Instagram page of Miss Universe. LATESTLY EXCLUSIVE! Miss Universe Harnaaz Sandhu: Beauty Pageant Is Not Your Passport To Enter Bollywood!
In one of the videos, Harnaaz can be seen expressing her excitement to explore the building in the Big Apple. "Hey guys...so we are at the Empire State Building today and I am so excited to learn more about this place . Today is an interview day and I have loads of interviews to give," she said in the clip. Liam Hemsworth Birthday Special: Adorable Pictures of the Star With His Furry Best Friends That Are Too Cute To Be Missed (View Pics).
For the visit, Harnaaz chose to wear a blue turtle neck dress. She completed her look with the Miss Universe crown. Harnaaz is the first Indian woman to secure the win in 21 years after Lara Dutta won the pageant in 2000. The 21-year-old hails from Punjab.
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