In a nostalgic nod to its enduring legacy, Max has announced the creation of a new game show centred around the beloved sitcom Friends, in celebration of its 30th anniversary. Titled Fast Friends, this four-part competition series aims to engage fans with trivia, puzzles, and games inspired by memorable moments from the iconic show, as per Deadline. Tokyo Vice Concludes: HBO Max Confirms End of Crime Series After Season 2.

Produced by Warner Bros. Unscripted Television, filming for Fast Friends is slated to begin next month.

'Friends' Fans Rejoice


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The series will be shot at The Friends Experience: The One, located in New York City, an interactive venue that brings the show's settings to life, as per Deadline.

Participants will have the opportunity to compete across various iconic locations, including Rachel and Monica's apartment, Joey and Chandler's bachelor pad, and Central Perk.

Each episode will challenge teams with tasks designed to test their knowledge and love for Friends, with the fastest team earning the prestigious title of Ultimate Friends Fan.

This venture follows Warner Bros.'s trend of transforming classic intellectual properties into unscripted formats, following the success of projects like Harry Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses and an upcoming baking competition based on J.K. Rowling's work.

According to Deadline, the series is produced by an experienced team, including executive producers Dan Sacks, Bridgette Theriault, and Dan Norris, with Richard Burgio serving as co-executive producer. Tokyo Vice Season 2 Trailer Out! Ansel Elgort Goes Deeper Into Tokyo’s Criminal World, to Premiere on This Date (Watch Video).

The Friends Experience also has locations in London, with a new venue opening soon in Las Vegas, ensuring fans worldwide can immerse themselves in the world of their favourite characters.