Colombian actor Mauricio Henao, known for telenovelas like Donde Esta Eliza and Medicos, is set to star in the upcoming action thriller Panama. Henao joins lead stars Cole Hauser and Mel Gibson on the Yale Productions project, reported Deadline. "Panama" revolves around James Becker (Hauser), a rugged and decorated ex-marine who is sent undercover by his former commander, Stark (Gibson) to execute a high-value deal with untrustworthy adversaries. The Gray Man: Dhanush Joins Chris Evans, Ryan Gosling’s Netflix Film! Superstar Is ‘Looking Forward To Being A Part Of This Wonderful Action Packed Experience’
Mark Neveldine of "Crank" series fame will direct the film from a script penned by Daniel Adams and William R Barber. Kate Katzman, Charlie Weber, and Victor Turpin are also part of the feature, scheduled to be shot in Puerto Rico. Never Have I Ever Season 2: Utkarsh Ambudkar, PJ Byrne Join Mindy Kaling’s Netflix Show
Jordan Beckerman, Jordan Yale Levine, Michelle Chydzik Sowa, Michelle Reihel, Shaun Sanghani, and Frances Lausell are producing the film.
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