Marathi filmmaker Swapna Waghmare Joshi recently experienced a shocking theft at her sixth-floor apartment in Mumbai. The accused, who was arrested in connection with the crime, revealed that he stole money from the filmmaker's flat to buy drugs. A thief climbed into the sixth-floor flat of the film director's home in Andheri (W) and stole Rs 6,000. A 22-year-old man, Aniket Gounder, was arrested in the case on August 28. ‘Paani’ Release Date Announced: Priyanka Chopra’s Marathi Film Hits Theatres on October 18 (Watch Motion Poster).
According to the police, the accused first scaled the security grill to reach the fifth floor, then proceeded to the sixth floor and later escaped via the same route on August 25. The entire incident was captured on CCTV cameras installed in Joshi's flat.
CCTV Captures Thief in Swapna Waghmare Joshi's Mumbai Flat
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The film director's cat noticed the thief and began making noise, which woke up the director's daughter and son-in-law, who were sleeping in another room. Hearing the cat's cries, they woke up and started shouting, "Thief! Thief!" The commotion forced the thief to flee. Before escaping, he managed to steal Rs 6,000, according to Mumbai police.
An official said that with the help of CCTV footage, the police identified the accused. DCP Raj Tilak Roshan oversaw the probe team led by Inspector Jaywant Shinde, who arrested the accused from Kapaswadi, Versova, about 2 km from Joshi's residence. ‘Mumbai Meri Jaan’: ‘Paani’ Producer Priyanka Chopra Shares Stunning City View From Flight Upon Arriving in India (View Pic).
The police informed ANI, "When we caught him and interrogated him, the accused revealed that he bought drugs with the stolen money. The accused is a drug addict." Swapna Waghmare Joshi is a director and producer of TV serials.