Actor Manoj Bajpayee has concluded the shoot for The Family Man 3. Recently, Manoj took to Instagram and shared the update with his fans and followers. He posted a picture of the clapperboard with the caption, "Shooting wrapped!! For Family Man 3! Aur thoda intezar." ‘The Family Man 3’: These BTS Moments of Manoj Bajpayee From the Sets of Raj & DK’s Prime Video Series Are Unmissable (Watch Video & View Pic).
More details regarding the new season have not been disclosed yet.
A picture of Sharib Hashmi and Shreya Dhanwanthary with Manoj Bajpayee from the sets of Family Man 3 also recently surfaced online.
"With our number 1 man," Shreya captioned the post.
In September, the team of Family Man visited Nagaland for the shoot where they met with Nagaland's Tourism and Higher Education Minister, Temjen Imna Along.
In May, the makers officially announced the third season, updating fans that they have commenced the shoot.
In the series created by Raj and DK, Manoj Bajpayee plays Srikant Tiwari, a middle-class man leading a double life as an intelligence officer for the Threat Analysis and Surveillance Cell (TASC), a fictional division of the National Investigation Agency.
Written by Suman Kumar and Raj & DK, the eagerly awaited third season will bring back many of the original cast members, including Priyamani (Suchitra Tiwari), Sharib Hashmi (JK Talpade), Ashlesha Thakur (Dhriti Tiwari), Vedant Sinha (Atharv Tiwari), amongst others. It is produced by Raj & DK's D2R Films banner. Gul Panag is also a part of the new season. The Family Man Season 3: Shooting of Manoj Bajpayee and Raj & DK’s Prime Video Series Begins (View Pics).
The Family Man: Season 1 premiered on Amazon Prime Video on September 20, 2019. The second season was released on the streamer on June 4, 2021.