Noted actor Kundara Johny, known for his impactful portrayal of negative characters in Malayalam films, died at a private hospital here on Tuesday, film industry sources said. He was 72. He was rushed to the hospital after he suffered a heart attack on Tuesday evening, the FEFKA Directors' Union said in a Facebook post. Kundara Johny Dies at 72 of Cardiac Arrest; Malayalam Actor Was Known for His Performances in Kireedom, Aavanazhi, Meppadiyan Among Others.

Beginning his film career in 1979, Johny earned acclaim for essaying negative roles in Malayalam films, notably in the blockbusters "Kireedam" and Chenkol. G Marimuthu Dies at 57 of Heart Attack, Director-Actor Was Recently Seen in Rajinikanth's Jailer.

Meppadiyan, which released in 2022, was his last movie. Condoling the demise of the actor, Kerala Finance Minister K N Balagopal said Johny acted in more than 500 films during his over four-decade-long career.