Mumbaikars on Saturday (December 7) night witnessed a soulful performance from Punjabi sensation AP Dhillon. Interestingly, his gig got some Bollywood tadka with the presence of Malaika Arora on stage. Several videos and pictures from the concert went viral in which Malaika could be seen grooving with AP on the stage. The duo even shared a warm hug, leaving fans extremely excited. AP Dhillon Assures Fans He’s ‘Safe’ After Firing Outside His Canada Home, Shares Video Singing ‘Sweet Flower’ – WATCH.

The event also witnessed acts by singers like Nikita Gandhi and Wahzir In The Hood. AP Dhillon will next perform in New Delhi on December 14. His tour will conclude in Chandigarh on December 21. In September, Dhillon announced his India tour. AP Dhillon House Firing: Shooting Reported Outside Residence of Punjabi Singer in Canada's Vancouver.

Malaika Arora Attends AP Dhillon's Mumbai Concert

Taking to Instagram, the Dil Nu hitmaker shared his excitement: "I've been waiting to go back to where it all started. To the fans who have made me who I am. To the place I will always call home. INDIA LET'S GO!" Expressing his enthusiasm, Dhillon said, "I'm incredibly excited to be returning to India for my tour. The love and support I've received from Indian fans has been overwhelming. I can't wait to reconnect with them and share the energy of The Brownprint live," according to a statement released by his team. This marks Dhillon's second tour in India, following his debut in 2021.