Ahead of Jawan's, actor Mahesh Babu wished Shah Rukh Khan luck for the film's massive success. Mahesh Babu took to X and wrote, "It's time for #Jawan!!! The frenzy and power of @iamsrk are on full display!! Wishing the team an all-time blockbuster success across all markets! So looking forward to watching it with the entire family!!." In response to his generous post, Shah Rukh Khan said that he would like to join them as well. SRK replied on X, "Thank you so much, my friend. Hope you enjoy the film. Let me know when you are watching I will come over and watch it with you. Love to you and the family. Big hug." Jawan Jukebox Out! Here's How You Can Listen to Full Album of Shah Rukh Khan- Nayanthara's Film Online.

Jawan craze has already started and after Pathaan, SRK fans are now eagerly waiting for the movie. Its dialogue and SRK’s look have already made movie buffs eager to watch it in theatres. Recently, the fans expressed their love for SRK by gathering outside his house Mannat in Mumbai and dancing to the tune of his songs. The craze of SRK fans was doubled after watching the trailer of the film. In the trailer, SRK was seen hijacking a train and operating a team of six women as they carried out various heists all around the nation. SRK appeared in many avatars, suggesting that he is playing double roles in the movie. Jawan: Shah Rukh Khan and Vijay Sethupathi Go Candid Answering Questions About Atlee's Next (Watch Video).

Check Out Mahesh Babu's Post On X:

Check Out Shah Rukh Khan's Post On X:

Nayanthara plays a cop entrusted with finding the vigilante. She is shown romancing SRK in the trailer as well. Deepika Padukone, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover and Ridhi Dogra are also featured in the trailer which is packed with some jaw-dropping action scenes. The film is all set to hit the cinemas on September 7.