Oscar-winning actor Mahershala Ali will star in a new limited series titled 'The Plot'. He will also serve as an executive producer on the upcoming project, ordered by Onyx Collective on Hulu. As per Variety, Abby Ajayi will adapt the eight-episode series from Jean Hanff Korelitz's novel of the same name.  Uri The Surgical Strike Clocks 3 Years: Yami Gautam Turns Nostalgic, Shares Stills From Aditya Dhar’s Film Sets.

In the show, Ali will play the role of Jake, a struggling author who is primed to take advantage of any opportunity that might help revive his career. When a once in a lifetime opportunity presents itself, Jake commits an act of literary theft that changes his life. The Plot will follow Jake's attempts to protect himself and the life he's built as he's threatened by someone who knows his secret. Parupalli Kashyap & Saina Nehwal's Father React to Actor Siddharth's 'Sexist' Tweet, Choice of Words Causes an Upset!.

Executive producers include Ali, Mimi Valdes and Amatus Karim Ali through their company Know Wonder, Layne Eskridge's POV Entertainment and Kristen Campo through their respective deals with Endeavor Content, Hanff Korelitz and Ajayi, who also serves as showrunner. The series will stream on Hulu in the US, Star Plus in Latin America and Disney Plus in all other territories.

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