Madhura Jasraj, daughter of famed filmmaker V Shantaram and wife of late legendary classical vocalist Pandit Jasraj, passed away on Wednesday due to age-related illness. Madhura Jasraj, 86, died in the early hours of September 25, a spokesperson of the Jasraj family said. Pandit Jasraj, Indian Classical Vocalist, Dies in New York at 90.

The last rites of Madhura Jasraj will be performed at Oshiwara Crematorium in Mumbai in the evening. As a filmmaker, Madhura directed films such as Sangeet Martand Pandit Jasraj (2009) and Aai Tuza Ashirwad (2010), where she collaborated with prominent artists like Lata Mangeshkar.

Pandit Jasraj’s Wife Madhura Jasraj No More


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In 2016, she surprised everyone when she announced her decision to direct her first Hindi film at the age of 78. She even penned her father's biographies, Shantarama (Marathi) and V Shantaram: The Man Who Changed Indian Cinema (in English). Pandit Jasraj Passes Away: Fans Mourn Music Legend's Demise, Say His Legacy Will Live Forever.

Madhura married Pandit Jasraj in 1962, and together they shared children, Shaarang Dev Pandit and daughter Durga Jasraj, both musicians.