After an intriguing trailer, the makers of the supernatural-horror film A Wedding Story starring Vaibhav Tatwawadi and Mukti Mohan unveiled the new song "Arzi". The song features the chemistry of Mukti Mohan and Vaibhav Tatwawadi. On Wednesday, Vaibhav Tatwawadi treated fans with song video on his Instagram handle. Lovebirds Mukti Mohan and Kunal Thakur Give Fans Peek Into Their Cosy Dubai Honeymoon (View Pics).

Sung by Nikhita Gandhi and Rahi Sayed who bring in their soulful vocals, with music composed by Rahi Sayed and lyrics penned by Tripurari Kumar Sharma, "Arzi" is a beautiful track that perfectly captures the relationship between the to be bride and groom. Music directed by Rahi Sayed and Sucheta Bhattacharjee and music produced by Tallz. Makers recently launched the trailer.

Watch "Arzi" Song:

Taking to Instagram, Mukti Mohar shared the trailer video. Sharing the video, she wrote, "The most horrifying wedding is coming soon! And you are all invited. But at your own risk. A Wedding Story coming in cinemas on 30th August."

'A Wedding Story' revolves around a happy marriage that soon turns into a nightmare as ominous occurrences begin to haunt the bride and groom families. Highlighting a unique depth into the world of horror, A Wedding Story delivers stunning visuals and chilling melodies clubbed with impactful performances. The story of the film is steeped in traditions and cultural nuances and is based on real facts and events.

Starring Mukti Mohan, Vaibhav Tatwawadi, Lakshvir Singh Saran, Monica Chaudhary, Akshay Anand, Dr. Plom Khurana, and Piloo Vidyarthi. Newly Married Mukti Mohan Shares Priceless Moments From Her Pre-Wedding Festivities (View Pics).

A novel supernatural horror film, A Wedding Story, is directed by Abhinav Pareek, produced by Vinay Reddy, and written & produced by Shubho Shekhar Bhattacharjee under the banner Boundless Blackbuck Films production.

It is slated to release on August 30.