Lizzo Abuse Scandal: Singer Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations in Official Statement

Rapper Lizzo has denied the accusations of sexual harassment made against her by her former dancers. Lizzo is being sued by three of her former dancers who allege she forced them to go to a sex show in Amsterdam's infamous Red Light District and then forced them to interact with the performers.

Agency News ANI|
Lizzo Abuse Scandal: Singer Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations in Official Statement
Singer Lizzo (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Rapper Lizzo has refuted the sexual harassment allegations levelled against her by her former dancers. Three of Lizzo’s former dancers recently filed a lawsuit filed against her, claiming she pushed them to attend a sex show in Amsterdam’s famed Red Light District and then pressured them to engage with the performers, Variety reported. The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court against Lizzo (real name Melissa Viviane Jefferson), her production company Big Grrrl Big Touring, Inc. (BGBT), and Shirlene Quigley, captain of Lizzo’s dance team. Lizzo Faces Sexual Harassment, Weight- Shaming and Hostile Work Environment Allegations, Singer Gets Sued By Her Former Team Members.

The dancers alleged sexual, religious and racial harassment, disability discrimination, assault and false imprisonment, among a slew of other charges.

Plaintiffs also alleged Lizzo again invited them out without telling them they would be attending a nude cabaret bar — “robbing them of the choice not to participate,” the lawsuit stated. Reacting to such claims, Lizzo issued an official statement in which she denied the allegations.

View Lizzo's Post:


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A post shared by Lizzo (@lizzobeeating)

“These last few days have been gut wrenchingly difficult and overwhelmingly disappointing. My work ethic, morals and respectfulness have been questioned. My character has been criticized,” Lizzo wrote. She added, “Usually I choose not to respond to false allegations but these are as unbelievable as they sound and too outrageous to not be addressed. These sensationalized stories are coming from former employees who have already publicly admitted that they were told their behaviour on tour was inappropriate and unprofessional.” Lizzo Sued by Former Tour Dancers in Weight-Shaming and Sexual Harassment Case.

She continued, “As an artist I have always been very passionate about what I do. I take my music and my performances seriously because at the end of the day I only want to put out the best art that represents me and my fans href="" title=""> Earth’s New ‘Mini-Moon’ Sparks Funny Memes and Jokes Online, Internet Is ‘Over the Moon’ As Asteroid 2024 PT5 to Orbit Home Planet for 2 Months Earth’s New ‘Mini-Moon’ Sparks Funny Memes and Jokes Online, Internet Is ‘Over the Moon’ As Asteroid 2024 PT5 to Orbit Home Planet for 2 Months


Lizzo Abuse Scandal: Singer Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations in Official Statement

Rapper Lizzo has denied the accusations of sexual harassment made against her by her former dancers. Lizzo is being sued by three of her former dancers who allege she forced them to go to a sex show in Amsterdam's infamous Red Light District and then forced them to interact with the performers.

Agency News ANI|
Lizzo Abuse Scandal: Singer Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations in Official Statement
Singer Lizzo (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Rapper Lizzo has refuted the sexual harassment allegations levelled against her by her former dancers. Three of Lizzo’s former dancers recently filed a lawsuit filed against her, claiming she pushed them to attend a sex show in Amsterdam’s famed Red Light District and then pressured them to engage with the performers, Variety reported. The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court against Lizzo (real name Melissa Viviane Jefferson), her production company Big Grrrl Big Touring, Inc. (BGBT), and Shirlene Quigley, captain of Lizzo’s dance team. Lizzo Faces Sexual Harassment, Weight- Shaming and Hostile Work Environment Allegations, Singer Gets Sued By Her Former Team Members.

The dancers alleged sexual, religious and racial harassment, disability discrimination, assault and false imprisonment, among a slew of other charges.

Plaintiffs also alleged Lizzo again invited them out without telling them they would be attending a nude cabaret bar — “robbing them of the choice not to participate,” the lawsuit stated. Reacting to such claims, Lizzo issued an official statement in which she denied the allegations.

View Lizzo's Post:


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A post shared by Lizzo (@lizzobeeating)

“These last few days have been gut wrenchingly difficult and overwhelmingly disappointing. My work ethic, morals and respectfulness have been questioned. My character has been criticized,” Lizzo wrote. She added, “Usually I choose not to respond to false allegations but these are as unbelievable as they sound and too outrageous to not be addressed. These sensationalized stories are coming from former employees who have already publicly admitted that they were told their behaviour on tour was inappropriate and unprofessional.” Lizzo Sued by Former Tour Dancers in Weight-Shaming and Sexual Harassment Case.

She continued, “As an artist I have always been very passionate about what I do. I take my music and my performances seriously because at the end of the day I only want to put out the best art that represents me and my fans. With passion comes hard work and high standards. Sometimes I have to make hard decisions but it’s never been my intention to make anyone feel uncomfortable or like they aren’t valued as an important part of the team.” Lizzo ended her statement by saying that though she does not want to be perceived as a victim in the situation, she is “not the villain.”

“I am not here to be looked at as a victim, but I also know that I am not the villain that people and the media have portrayed me to be these last few days. I am very open with my sexuality and expressing myself but I cannot accept or allow people to use that openness to make me out to be something I am not,” she wrote. “There is nothing I take more seriously than the respect we deserve as women in the world. I know what it feels like to be body shamed on a daily basis and would absolutely never criticize or terminate an employee because of their weight. I’m hurt but I will not let the good work I’ve done in the world be overshadowed by this. I want to thank everyone who has reached out in support to lift me up during this difficult time.”

Lizzo Abuse Scandal: Singer Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations in Official Statement
Singer Lizzo (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Rapper Lizzo has refuted the sexual harassment allegations levelled against her by her former dancers. Three of Lizzo’s former dancers recently filed a lawsuit filed against her, claiming she pushed them to attend a sex show in Amsterdam’s famed Red Light District and then pressured them to engage with the performers, Variety reported. The lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court against Lizzo (real name Melissa Viviane Jefferson), her production company Big Grrrl Big Touring, Inc. (BGBT), and Shirlene Quigley, captain of Lizzo’s dance team. Lizzo Faces Sexual Harassment, Weight- Shaming and Hostile Work Environment Allegations, Singer Gets Sued By Her Former Team Members.

The dancers alleged sexual, religious and racial harassment, disability discrimination, assault and false imprisonment, among a slew of other charges.

Plaintiffs also alleged Lizzo again invited them out without telling them they would be attending a nude cabaret bar — “robbing them of the choice not to participate,” the lawsuit stated. Reacting to such claims, Lizzo issued an official statement in which she denied the allegations.

View Lizzo's Post:


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A post shared by Lizzo (@lizzobeeating)

“These last few days have been gut wrenchingly difficult and overwhelmingly disappointing. My work ethic, morals and respectfulness have been questioned. My character has been criticized,” Lizzo wrote. She added, “Usually I choose not to respond to false allegations but these are as unbelievable as they sound and too outrageous to not be addressed. These sensationalized stories are coming from former employees who have already publicly admitted that they were told their behaviour on tour was inappropriate and unprofessional.” Lizzo Sued by Former Tour Dancers in Weight-Shaming and Sexual Harassment Case.

She continued, “As an artist I have always been very passionate about what I do. I take my music and my performances seriously because at the end of the day I only want to put out the best art that represents me and my fans. With passion comes hard work and high standards. Sometimes I have to make hard decisions but it’s never been my intention to make anyone feel uncomfortable or like they aren’t valued as an important part of the team.” Lizzo ended her statement by saying that though she does not want to be perceived as a victim in the situation, she is “not the villain.”

“I am not here to be looked at as a victim, but I also know that I am not the villain that people and the media have portrayed me to be these last few days. I am very open with my sexuality and expressing myself but I cannot accept or allow people to use that openness to make me out to be something I am not,” she wrote. “There is nothing I take more seriously than the respect we deserve as women in the world. I know what it feels like to be body shamed on a daily basis and would absolutely never criticize or terminate an employee because of their weight. I’m hurt but I will not let the good work I’ve done in the world be overshadowed by this. I want to thank everyone who has reached out in support to lift me up during this difficult time.”

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Halloween 2023: From Heidi Klum’s Worm Costume to Hailey Bieber’s Sexy Vampire Look, Check Out Most Iconic Celebrity Costumes of All Time!

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