Kartik Aaryan, on Wednesday, introduced his fans with his obsession ‘Kainaaz’ in the upcoming crime-thriller Freddy. On Wednesday, Kartik took to Instagram and unveiled his obsession in the film. Sharing the look, he wrote, "Meet Freddy's Obsession - Kainaaz @alayaf." Kartik Aaryan Gains 14 Kilos for His Role in Freddy, Actor’s Transformation Will Leave You Stunned (View Pics).

As the teaser showcased Kartik as the 'lonely, naive, nervous, honest, introvert, shy' dentist among many more qualities of the actor's character. He is seen treating patients in a clinic in the daytime. In the nighttime, he turns into a murderer as he drags a body into a forest.

In this monochrome poster, Alaya F seems to be his new target. Alaya's half face is revealed in the poster. Kartik was seen donning an intense look with a blood stain on his hand. On the other hand, Alaya looked scared and shocked. Freddy Teaser: Kartik Aaryan as Dentist Is Weird and Mysterious in This Disney+ Hotstar Film (Watch Video).

Take a look:


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Recently, the crime-thriller Freddy released its first song on YouTube. Titled 'Kaala Jaadu', the track is accompanied by a well-choreographed music video featuring Kartik dressed in a tuxedo surrounded by a number of masked girls in black dresses.

Here is the song:

Sharing more details about his complicated character, Kartik said, "Freddy was a complex script and character, the prep of the role had to be done physically and mentally as well. The character helped explore a different side of my craft and encouraged me to challenge my abilities at every step as an actor. The first time I got the opportunity to explore the dark side of me. I am glad to be a part of Freddy and excited to see the audience's reaction for the film."

Alaya said, "I was very excited to be a part of Freddy as soon as I heard the story. Kainaaz was a challenging character for me, I had to learn and unlearn a lot of things to get into character. I feel so grateful for this opportunity! It's helped me widen my horizons, and it's also enabled me to explore a whole new side of myself. With Kartik, Shashanka Sir and all the other members of the team, I couldn't have asked for a better experience!". Helmed by Shashanka Ghosh, Freddy will be out on December 2 on Disney+ Hotstar.