Finally, Karan Johar has announced the much-awaited film Dhadak 2. The film will star Siddhant Chaturvedi and Triptii Dimri in the lead. Taking to Instagram handle, Karan treated fans with the announcement video. Sharing the announcement video, he wrote in Hindi, "Once upon a time, there was a king and there was a queen. They were from different classes, and that's the end of the story." He added, "Presenting Dhadak 2 starring Siddhant Chaturvedi & Triptii Dimri. Directed by Shazia Iqbal. #Dhadak2 in cinemas 22nd November 2024." Dhadak 2: Siddhant Chaturvedi and Triptii Dimri To Lead Karan Johar Backed Film, Set To Hit Theatres on November 22 (Watch Video).
As soon as the announcement was made, fans flooded the comment section.One of the users wrote, "Whaaaaaaatt!!! So excited." Another user commented, "Good pairing." "This is truly gonna be exciting," another comment read. Directed by Shazia Iqbal, Dhadak 2, a story that explores love and challenges social norms. The film follows Siddhant's character as he navigates a love story that breaks through societal expectations and class barriers. The is produced by Zee Studios, Dharma Productions, and Cloud 9 Pictures. It is slated for release on November 22. This sequel to the popular Dhadak franchise featuring Janhvi Kapoor and Ishan Khattar, was released in 2018. It was the Hindi remake of Marathi film Sairat. Confirmed! Dhadak 2 Is Remake of Pariyerum Perumal; All You Need To Know About Mari Selvaraj’s Acclaimed Film and Where To Watch It Online.
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The flick also stars Ashutosh Rana, Kharaj Mukherjee, and Aditya Kumar. The film is a co-production between Zee Studios and Dharma Productions. Meanwhile, on his 52nd birthday, Karan Johar gave his fans a reason to rejoice by announcing his next directorial venture. While the title of the much-anticipated film remains under wraps, the excitement surrounding the project is palpable. Taking to Instagram, Karan Johar shared a picture of himself holding the narration draft of his upcoming film, igniting curiosity among his followers. The caption read, "Get... Set... Go!", hinting at the start of a new creative journey. This surprise announcement has left fans and industry insiders eagerly speculating about the film's details.