Actor Kangana Ranaut is all set to reunite with actor R Madhavan for an upcoming pan-India psychological thriller film. The production of the film commenced today in Chennai. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Kangana shared a picture and wrote, "Today in Chennai we started filming our new film, a psychological thriller. Other details coming soon. For now need all your support and blessings for this very unusual and exciting script." The film will be helmed by the Thalaivii director Vijay. R Madhavan and Kangana previously worked together in Tanu Weds Manu and Tanu Weds Manu Returns. Expressing her excitement about working with Vijay once again, she said, "Dear Vijay sir after the incredible experience of Thalaivii happy to be basking in your glory again i love to be your team and take your commands. Thank you sir." Kangana Ranaut's Old Post Calling Vikrant Massey a 'Cockroach' Goes Viral After 12th Fail Bests Tejas at Their Box Office Clash, Netizens Call it 'Karma'.

The music for the film is composed by the talented G.V. Prakash Kumar, adding an additional layer of intrigue to the upcoming thriller. Nirav Shah, celebrated for his cinematography in numerous blockbusters, serves as the Director of Photography (DOP), ensuring a visually stunning cinematic experience. The much-anticipated psychological thriller is set to captivate audiences in a bilingual release, Hindi and Tamil. The production team is enthusiastic about the collaboration and is confident that this combination of stellar talent will deliver a film that captivates audiences across the globe. Kangana Ranaut to Be the First Woman to Set Ravan Effigy Ablaze at Lav Kush Ramlila in Delhi on Dussehra 2023 (Watch Video).

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Apart from this, Kangana will also be seen in the upcoming period drama film Emergency which also marks her first solo directorial film. R Madhavan, on the other hand, will also be seen sharing screen space with Ajay Devgn in a thriller directed by Vikas Bahl.