Bharatiya Janata Party MP Kangana Ranaut has questioned actor Sonu Sood's stand on the Uttar Pradesh government's directive for food shops on the Kanwar Yatra route to display their owners' names. After Sonu Sood's post stating that only "humanity" should be displayed on shop nameplates, BJP MP Kangana Ranaut questioned the actor's stand on Friday. Kangana Ranaut Slams Sonu Sood for Comparing UP Food Vendor Spitting on Roti’s to Lord Ram; BJP MP Says ‘He Will Direct His Own Ramayana’.

The debate stems from the Uttar Pradesh government order mandating the display of owners' names on shops and eateries along the Kanwar Yatra route.

Sonu Sood took to X to express his views on the matter, stating, "There should be only one nameplate on every shop: "HUMANITY"

Sonu Sood’s Stand on Nameplate Row in Uttar Pradesh

This statement received backlash from several social media users tagging it as a critique of the government's directive. Reacting to Sonu Sood's stance, Kangana Ranaut said, "Agree, Halal should be replaced with "HUMANITY."

Kangana Ranaut’s Response to Sonu Sood’s ‘Humanity’ Post

Earlier, screenwriter Javed Akhtar also reacted to the ongoing controversy over the incident and strongly criticised the administration. "Muzaffarnagar UP police has given instructions that on the route of a particular religious procession in near future all the shops restaurants n even vehicles should show the name of the owner prominently and clearly. Why? In Nazi Germany they used to make only a mark on particular shops and houses," Javed Akhtar posted on X. Chirag Paswan on Kangana Ranaut: Union Minister Says ‘Mandi MP Not Very Politically Correct, but…’ (Watch Video).

On Friday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath mandated that food and beverage shops along Kanwar routes should display the name and identity of the operator/owner to maintain the sanctity of the pilgrims' faith. Additionally, action will be taken against those selling halal-certified products. The move by the Uttar Pradesh government to enforce the use of ID Cards by all shops in the state that fall along the Kanwar Yatra route has resulted in a political slugfest between the BJP and the opposition.