Filmmaker Atlee and his wife Priya Mohan on Friday announced the birth of their first child. Mohan, also a film producer, shared the news on her social media accounts. "They were right. There's no feeling in the world like this. And just like tat our baby boy is here! A new exciting adventure of parenthood starts today! Grateful. Happy. Blessed," she wrote alongside photos with her filmmaker-husband. Ajith Kumar and Filmmaker Atlee Team Up for #AK63, AR Rahman to Score Music - Reports.
Atlee and Mohan got married in 2014 and the two had announced her pregnancy in December 2022 on social media. Atlee, whose real name is Arun Kumar, is known for directing blockbuster movies Raja Rani, Their, Mersal and Bigil. His next venture Jawan, featuring superstar Shah Rukh Khan, is billed as a spectacular event film with high octane action sequences and talent assembled from across Indian cinema. Atlee and Wife Priya Mohan Blessed With Baby Boy, Jawan Director Pens 'Parenthood Starts Today' (View Post).
It is produced by Khan's production company Red Chillies Entertainment and will release worldwide across five languages — Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada in theatres on June 2, 2023.