The production company of actor star Shah Rukh Khan Red Chillies Entertainment has made a police complaint in Mumbai after unauthorised video clips from their upcoming movie, Jawan, were posted on social media in an effort to harm both the movie and the company. Mumbai Police has registered a case at Santacruz Police station under IPC section 379 and IT Act as Jawan movie clip was stolen and used on social media on Thursday.“Mumbai police are investigating further the matter further,” said Mumbai Police. According to the FIR, the production company just learned that several Twitter identities had posted video excerpts from the movie online. Jawan: Shah Rukh Khan Unveils Teaser of Romantic Track 'Chaleya' Featuring Nayanthara; Full Song to Be Out on August 14 (Watch Video).

The FIR noted that the movie had not yet been shown in theatres. In order to prevent the leak of shooting films, cell phones were not permitted for anyone in the area during the filming. A much-anticipated trailer for Shah Rukh Khan's movie Jawan allegedly leaked and went viral on Twitter, prompting the Santa Cruz police to file an FIR. Red Chillies Entertainment, Khan's production company, submitted a complaint that led to the lawsuit being opened. On May 6, one user posted the video for the first time; the other four soon followed, and it quickly gained popularity. Directed by Atlee, Jawan will release worldwide in theatres on September 7, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages. Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi will be seen sharing the screen with SRK in the film. Jawan Song 'Chaleya': Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara Dial Up Breezy Romance in Second Single From Atlee Film (Watch Teaser Video).

Deepika Padukone also has a special appearance in the movie. Nayanthara being a part of the film has already raised the bar of this high-octane action entertainer to the next level. She will be seen playing a role of a cop. In Jawan, fans will also see Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra and Ridhi Dogra in important roles. Jawan is SRK’s second release of 2023 after Pathaan, which broke several box office records and turned out to be the biggest hit of SRK's career so far. Pathaan was released after SRK’s four-year-long hiatus from films.

Meanwhile, SRK will also be seen in director Rajkumar Hirani’s upcoming film Dunki opposite Taapsee Pannu. The official release date of the film is still awaited.