In a thrilling turn of events, the beloved actor Jason George is set to make his grand return to the iconic medical drama series, Grey's Anatomy, as a series regular. George, known for his role as Ben Warren, has inked a deal to reprise his character in the upcoming 21st season, much to the delight of fans worldwide, according to Deadline. Having been an integral part of the Grey's Anatomy universe since Season 6, George's character, Ben Warren, underwent a significant journey, transitioning from a series regular to a leading figure in the spinoff, Station 19. However, his presence in the original series remained palpable through frequent guest appearances. Grey’s Anatomy: Ellen Pompeo’s Medical Drama Renewed for Season 21.

The return of Jason George's character to Grey's Anatomy comes at a crucial juncture as the series prepares to bid farewell to two of its regulars, Jake Borelli and Midori Francism, as per Deadline. Throughout his tenure on Station 19, Ben Warren's storyline delved into his dual identity as both a firefighter and a skilled medical professional. Grey’s Anatomy: ABC Confirms Hit Medical Drama Series for 21 Season.

Jason George Makes Comeback as Ben Warren

According to Deadline, his decision to return to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital for his surgical residency was a pivotal moment, one that resonated deeply with fans of the franchise. Jason George's connection to the Shondaland family spans over two decades, with notable stints on various medical dramas produced by the company.