After a successful theatrical run, Janhvi Kapoor and RajKummar Rao starrer Mr & Mrs Mahi, is now all set to start its OTT journey. Mr and Mrs Mahi is directed by Sharan Sharma, who is known for his directorial debut Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl. Taking to Instagram, the streaming platform told fans with the OTT announcement date of the film. Sharing the poster of the film, they wrote, "Their story is the ultimate match Mr. & Mrs. Mahi are about to hit it straight to your screens, arriving at midnight on Netflix!" The movie will stream from July 26. Mr and Mrs Mahi Movie Review: Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor Try to Evoke 'Abhimaan' Vibes in This Predictable Sports Drama (LatestLY Exclusive).
The film highlights Janhvi's dedication and resilience in embracing a challenging role that took her beyond her comfort zone. In the film, Janhvi steps into the shoes of her character, Mahi, a doctor turned cricketer, a part that requires extensive preparation and commitment. For nearly two years, she underwent rigorous training to master the sport, underscoring her dedication to authenticity in her portrayal. Mr & Mrs Mahi marks the second collaboration between Janhvi and Sharan. It also marks the second collaboration between Janhvi and RajKummar. The duo was earlier seen in Roohi. Mr and Mrs Mahi Full Movie Leaked on Tamilrockers, Movierulz & Telegram Channels for Free Download & Watch Online; Rajkummar Rao-Jhanvi Kapoor’s Dharma Film Is the Latest Victim of Piracy?.
Mr & Mrs Mahi OTT Release
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Meanwhile, Janhvi is all set to be seen in the action thriller film Ulajh. Directed by National Award winner Sudhanshu Saria, the patriotic thriller film also stars Gulshan Devaiah and Roshan Mathew, of The Poacher fame, in lead roles. It also stars Rajesh Tailang, Meiyang Chang, Sachin Khedekar, Rajendra Gupta and Jitendra Joshi in pivotal roles. RajKummar on the other hand is gearing up for the highly anticipated horror comedy Stree 2.