Mumbai, June 22: Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor shined in pink in her latest social media post, looking drop-dead gorgeous. Taking to Instagram, the 'Dhadak' actor captioned her post, 'Meet me on a Monday'. In the first picture, Janhvi exudes a glamorous pose, sitting on a glossy floor, one hand behind her head, eyes closed. She donned a sparkly, pink-coloured sequin, halter neck dress and accessorized her look with a pair of small-studded earrings and pointed stilettos. Janhvi must have driven all her fans into a frenzy with her alluring expressions in the second picture. She struck a dainty pose, raising both her arms, looking like a diva. She sported a golden eyeshadow with a shade of glossy pink lipstick and let her curly hair loose. Janhvi Kapoor Looks Ethereal in Bridal Photoshoot and These Pictures Are a Proof.
As for the third picture, Janhvi was seen lying on her back, staring right into the camera, with a hand on her forehead. She indeed looked quite beautiful with her subtle yet flawless makeup. In the fourth picture, Janhvi clicked a picture with Ananya Panday and Shanaya Kapoor. All the three ladies wore strappy dresses looking stunning, smiling for the camera. Ananya seemed to be holding some sort of a snack in her hands. Ananya also commented on Janhvi's post and wrote, 'Hectic" with a heart emoji. Janhvi was last seen in 'Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl,' where she essayed the role of an Indian Air Force Pilot. She received a lot of critical acclaim for her performance. Janhvi Kapoor Looks Ethereal in Bridal Photoshoot and These Pictures Are a Proof.
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Meanwhile, on the film front, Janhvi is shooting for 'Bawaal', which is helmed by Nitesh Tiwari and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. The drama film is scheduled to hit the big screens on April 7, 2023. It will be the first collaboration between Janhvi and Varun. She is also working on the movie 'Mr and Mrs Mahi'. ''Good Luck Jerry' has been directed by Sidharth Sengupta and written by Pankaj Matta. The film also stars Deepak Dobriyal, Mita Vashisht, Neeraj Sood and Sushant Singh. Speaking of Janhvi's film 'Good Luck Jerry', it is scheduled to release on Disney+Hotstar on July 29. The film, set in Punjab has been produced by filmmaker Aanand L Rai's Colour Yellow Productions.
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