Actor Ranveer Singh, on Tuesday, shared his experience of working with legendary actor Dharmendra in the upcoming romantic drama film Rocky aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani and said that "it was like straight out of fantasy." During a press conference in New Delhi, Ranveer said, “I definitely had a moment on the first day I shot with Dharam ji. I was taking my moment before the scene started, it was a face-to-face shot with him, I was just processing the scene, and they said roll, camera and I looked up to begin the performance and that’s where it hit me, and I was like Ohh my God!!" Ranveer Singh Opens Up On Bond With Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani Director Karan Johar, Says 'We Have Dilli Ki Aunty Within Us'.
"Its Dharmendra and I had to very quickly collect myself and perform because action has been called, but I definitely had a moment, it was very very surreal to be sharing screen space with such a legend of our cinema. A huge deal for me, I’ve grown up watching him, so it was like straight out of your fantasy.” At the event, Ranveer also mimicked Dharmendra on the stage and said, “What should we say about Dharam ji, he is like a walking talking ball of love, he is all heart, he is so emotional. Now I am remembering that we have really created some memories while making this film which I will always cherish."
"What a great honour, what a great privilege and what a wonderful thing to have collaborated with such a fine artist." Helmed by Karan Johar, the film stars Ranveer, Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi in the lead roles and is set to hit the theatres on July 28. Recently the makers unveiled the songs "What Jhumka" and "Tum Kya Mile" and the official trailer of the film which received massive responses from the audience. The trailer took us into the lives of Rocky Randhawa and Rani Chatterjee, whose lifestyles are diametrically opposed. While Rocky is a Punjabi lad from a wealthy Punjabi family, Rani comes from a Bengali household where knowledge and intelligence are valued above all else. Alia Bhatt Dazzles in Hot Pink Saree For Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani Promotions in Vadodara.
And they fall in love but soon the couple realizes that their families don't like each other. Then Rocky and Rani decide to 'Switch' and live with each other families to impress them. Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani promises to be a wholesome, big-screen entertainer, blending Johar's storytelling finesse with an impressive ensemble cast, grandeur and music. There were also many scenes of the two romancings and fighting, celebrating all kinds of festivals with their families, and possibly a wedding. RRKPK marks Karan's return to director's chair after over six years.