Actor Aamir Khan's daughter, Ira Khan is all set to tie the knot with her long-time boyfriend, Nupur Shikhare, on January 3, 2024.Ira shared glimpses of her wedding festivities on her Instagram stories on Tuesday night. In the first video, the guests can be seen having dinner in Maharashtrian style. Aamir's ex-wife Kiran Rao was also seen having the meal. The other picture showcased Ira with Nupur, actor Mithila Palkar and others. Ira captioned the story, "The wedding festivities have begun." Ira wore a red colour saree and she opted for a no makeup look. Nupur, on the other hand, opted for a red kurta that he teamed with a golden jacket and black pyjamas. Aamir Khan’s Daughter Ira Khan and Fiance Nupur Shikhare Begin Their Pre-Wedding Celebrations With Kelvan Ceremony, Mother Reena Dutta Attends (See Pics).

Mithila also took to Instagram to share a picture with the couple. She wrote, "Let's get you guys married." Mithila wore a yellow suit for that occasion. Notably, Ira got engaged to her longtime boyfriend, Nupur Shikhare, on November 18, last year, in the presence of close friends and family members.The engagement ceremony saw the Khan family beaming joyfully from Imran Khan, Aamir's ex-wives Reena Dutta and Kiran Rao, to actor Fatima Sana Shaikh. Aamir Khan’s Daughter Ira Khan Moves to Her New Home (View Pics).

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Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare with Family and Friends (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Earlier in an Instagram post, Ira also announced her wedding date in the video, which is January 3, 2024 Aamir was earlier married to Reena Dutta but separated in 2002. He has a daughter Ira and a son Junaid from his first marriage with Reena. Aamir and Kiran got married on December 28, 2005. They welcomed their first son, Azad, through surrogacy in 2011.