Shah Rukh Khan, who is gearing up for his upcoming action thriller Pathaan, revealed his 32-year-long dream of being an action hero on the big screen in the latest video. In a 'Pathaan Conversations with Shah Rukh Khan' video released by the producers, Yash Raj Films, SRK said, "I came to the film industry 32 years ago to be an action hero but I missed the boat because they made me a romantic hero instead. I've only wanted to be an action hero. I mean I love DDLJ and I love Rahul and Raj and all these good sweet boys but I always thought I was an action hero, so for me it is it's my dream come true." Pathaan Trailer: Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham Ooze Swag and Coolth in This Thrilling Glimpse and Netizens Cannot Keep Calm!
About his character in Pathaan, the superstar revealed, "Pathaan is an easy guy, doing lot of tough things and I think he's naughty, he's tough but doesn't wear it on his sleeve. He's trusting. He's honest and I think he very single-mindedly thinks of India as his mother."
Pathaan Star Shah Rukh Khan
SRK is paired opposite Deepika Padukone in Pathaan. He and Deepika are one of the biggest on-screen pairings in the history of Indian cinema and have worked in films like Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express and Happy New Year. About Deepika and her impact in the film, Shah Rukh said, "You need someone of the stature of Deepika to be able to pull off a song sequence like Besharam Rang and then you know, to be able to do action, where she takes a guy and pulls him right over herself and beats him, she's tough enough to do that too. That kind of a combination could have only been achieved with someone like Deepika. It's a quite a layered character for an action film heroine so to say." Shah Rukh Khan Only Indian Actor to Feature in Empire Magazine's 50 Greatest Actors of All Time.
Recently, the trailer of Pathaan was showcased on the grand Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Pathaan is part of Aditya Chopra's ambitious spy universe. The film also stars Dimple Kapadia and Ashutosh Rana in pivotal roles. It will hit the theatres on January 25, 2023.
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