X-Men star Hugh Jackman, who is set to reprise his role as Wolverine for the next instalment of the Deadpool franchise, recently shared his daily meal plan as his bulking phase goes into overdrive to prepare for the iconic role. According to Variety, an American media, Deadpool 3 will star Ryan Reynolds alongside Jackman, who will be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the first time. Wolverine: Hugh Jackman Reveals Why He Never Used Steroids To Transform Into His Character.

Sharing the photo of the six meals he will eat in a given day, he wrote in a tweet, "Bulking. A day in the life. Thank you, Chef Mario, for helping me stay healthy and properly fed whilst... Becoming. Wolverine. Again."

Hugh Jackman's Post

Variety reported that Jackman's meals include black bass, Patagonia salmon, two chicken burgers and two grass-fed sirloins, which means that the actor is consuming over 8,000 calories a day now as he gets bulked up, reported Variety. In January, Hugh Jackman said on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert that he was getting used to consuming 6,000 calories day in preparation for his role as Wolverine. At the time, Jackman was performing as The Music Man on Broadway. Deadpool 3: Hugh Jackman Confirms Time Travel for Ryan Reynolds' Marvel Film, Says They Will Use a Device to Move Around 'Timelines'.

At the time, Jackman said, "I'm building up. I'm on about 4,500-5,000 calories at the moment. I wore a heart rate monitor [for The Music Man] because my trainer said, 'I need to know what I'm working with here because I'm trying to bulk you up.'" "I burned 1,500 calories in the show, eight times a week. So she goes: 'Oh, you gotta eat.' So I was eating 4,500 calories a day, it was not pretty. Now I'm just eating and training," he added, as per Variety.

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