Actor Hrithik Roshan gave a huge shout-out to his sister, Sunaina Roshan, as the latter has been extensively working out. Taking to Instagram Story, Hrithik shared Sunaina's video in which she can be seen sweating it out at a gym. "Didi, you are a rockstar, and I love you! (red heart emoji) #againstallodds," he captioned the post. Fighter: Karan Singh Grover Flaunts His Chiselled Abs and Ripped Physique in Latest Pics; Fans Say ‘Hrithik Roshan Ko Competition Milega’ (See Post).

Meanwhile, Hrithik is gearing up for the release of his film Fighter, which also stars Anil Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Karan Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi. Directed by Siddharth Anand and presented by Viacom18 Studios in association with Marflix Pictures, Fighter promises adrenaline-pumping action. Recently, the makers unveiled the official teaser of the film, which received a good response from the fans.

Check Out Hrithik’s Insta Story Here:

Hrithik Roshan supporting sister Sunaina on his Insta stories (Photo Credits: Instagram)

The 1-minute 14-second teaser features Hrithik as Squadron Leader Shamsher Pathania, aka Patty, Deepika as Squadron Leader Minal Rathore, aka Minni, and Anil as Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh, aka Rocky, fighting for the country. Hrithik Roshan and Girlfriend Saba Azad Papped at Airport, Couple Jets Off to Undisclosed Location (Watch Video).

Karan was missing from the teaser. The teaser showcased the lead cast flying high in their jets and doing some aerial stunts. The film is primarily shot at air bases in India with real Sukhoi's, Indian fighter planes. It will hit theatres on January 25, 2024.