Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, shared the video of a fan from Jeddah striking his famous Phir Hera Pheri movie pose. Taking to Twitter, Akshay shared a video, which he captioned, "Haha...for the most lovable of reasons, my fans' Hera Pheri simply rocks my life. Thank you, Red Sea International Film Festival and everyone in Jeddah for a memorable time. Love and prayers to you all." Akshay Kumar Reveals Details About His Film on Sex Education and Amazon Prime Video Debut Series.

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In the video, Akshay could be seen sitting inside a car and his fan is striking his old famous pose. Soon after the 'Khiladi' actor shared the post, fans swamped the comment section and dropped heart emoticons, meanwhile, some fans requested the actor to change his decision of not doing 'Hera Pheri 3'. "Sir plz hera pheri 3 kar lo naa aapke paas bahut paisa hai fan ke liye yeh movie mein 90cr mat loo plz," a fan commented.

Another fan wrote, "Love you sir Please do Hera pheri 3 Sir Aap ke pass itna paisa hai aap hi Produce kar lo hera pheri 3, Firoz nadiawala se baat Karo script level improve karne ko time jayega chalega but We want Our Raju." "Na aap Jaisa Koi Hoga Aur Na Koi Aayega Sir One and Only True Legend," another fan commented. Akshay Kumar Saying ‘Sun Toh Lo’ to a Distracted Panellist Will Leave You in Splits; Watch Viral Video From Red Sea International Film Festival.

Akshay recently headed to Jeddah to attend the Red Sea International Film Festival which will conclude on December 10. Red Sea International Film Festival aims to become the top fest and market in the region and a key driver in the kingdom's ongoing effort to build a film and TV industry practically from scratch after lifting its 35-year-old religion-related ban on cinema in 2017.

Meanwhile, Akshay was recently seen in an action-adventure film Ram Setu alongside Jacqueline Fernandez which got decent responses at the box office.

He will be next seen in an upcoming entertainer film Selfiee along with Emraan Hashmi and Diana Penty and in Aanand L Rai's next Gorkha.