Actor Gal Gadot, widely known for playing the lead role in the Wonder Woman franchise, has been roped in for the remake of late filmmaker Alfred Hitchock's romance thriller To Catch A Thief. As per Variety, Gadot will star in and produce the upcoming remake of the 1955 classic, which featured late actors Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in the lead roles. Oscars 2022 To Have a Host After Three-Year Absence, Confirms ABC Entertainment President Craig Erwich.
The original movie was directed by Hitchcock and starred Grant as a former thief who must prove his innocence after being suspected of returning to his former occupation. The script for the new film is being penned by Eileen Jones, best known for her work on the Fox series 'Prodigal Son'. Zayn Malik Birthday: Keeping it Cool, Casual But Edgy is His Secret Fashion Mantra (View Pics).
The film is being set up at Paramount, the studio behind the original. Gadot will produce the remake with her partner Jaron Varsano through their company Pilot Wave. 'Fast and the Furious's' Neal Moritz will also produce. Coming back to 'Gadot', the 'Red Notice' actor can be next seen as the Evil Queen in Disney's live-action remake of 'Snow White' and in the long-delayed adaptation of Agatha Christie's 'Death on the Nile'. She is also starring in and producing an upcoming movie about Cleopatra. (ANI)
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