A case has been registered against renowned Malayalam film director Ranjith Balakrishnan following a complaint filed by a 31-year-old person who alleged that he was sexually assaulted in a five-star hotel near the airport at Bengaluru. Ranjith Balakrishnan in Trouble, Malayalam Film Director Accused of Sexually Assaulting Man.
According to the FIR, the director managed to get the phone number of the person in a shooting set and invited the person to a hotel near the Kempegowda International Airport in December 2012 where he allegedly sexually assaulted the person by giving alcohol.
"Earlier, a complaint was filed in the Kerala police station, but the case was transferred to Bangalore and an FIR was filed as it was alleged that an incident of sexual assault had taken place in a five-star hotel in Bengaluru." FIR says that as case transfered from Kerala, details will be collected by the complainant.
Police said that the incident took place in 2012, when many artists from the Malayalam film industry had exposed the matter in the wake of a series of allegations of sexual harassment, and said that person had the courage to file a complaint. Actor Jayasurya’s Anticipatory Bail Applications Closed by Kerala HC Over Bailable Charges.
Based on the complaint, a case under Section 377 (unnatural offences) and 66 E (violation of privacy) of the Information Technology Act was registered against the director at the BIAL (Bangalore International Airport Limited) police station on October 26 and investigations are being carried out," the FIR reads.