Months after Sidharth Shukla's demise, Instagram has memorialised the actor's account. The word "Remembering" is now written above Sidharth's name on his profile on the photo-sharing application. Shehnaaz Gill Shares a Clip of Her Performance on the BB 15 Finale in Memory of Sidharth Shukla, Calls the Late Actor ‘Bigg Boss G.O.A.T.’ (Watch Video).

For the unversed, memorialised accounts are a place to remember someone's life after they have passed away. The memorialisation of Sidharth's Instagram account has left his fans emotional. "You are always alive in our hearts," a netizen commented. Bigg Boss Winners: Shweta Tiwari, Sidharth Shukla, Tejasswi Prakash – Here’s The List Of Colors TV Actors Who Have Won The Reality Show.

"This is so heartbreaking. This 'remembering' word made me cry," another one wrote. Sidharth, who won everyone's hearts with his stints in 'Bigg Boss 13', 'Broken But Beautiful', and 'Dil Se Dil Tak' among other projects', died on September 2, 2021, at the age of 40. He passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest.

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