Call it a promotional stunt or genuine expression of gratitude, actors Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi hailed their fans at the trailer launch event of their upcoming comic caper, Selfiee on Sunday. Taking to Instagram, Akshay posted a picture with his fans and captioned it, "There is no bigger moment in an actor's life than to see fans giving unconditional love. Today was such a moment for me when some of my fans dressed up as my iconic characters in films. Touched beyond words. My film #Selfiee is a dedication to all the fans of all the actors anywhere. You make life worthwhile." Selfiee Trailer Out! Akshay Kumar- Emraan Hashmi's Film Is A Tussle Between A Superstar And His Fan.
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Akshay's fans chose signature dresses from the films such as, Bhool Bhulaiyaa, Kesari, and Jolly LLB. Akshay sported a hot pink suit while Emraan went for an all-black one at the event. Helmed by Raj Mehta, the film will bring Akshay and Emraan together on screen for the first time. Nushraatt Bharuccha and Diana Penty will be the female leads in the movie. Meanwhile, Emraan posted a couple of pictures from the event, with the caption, "Fans maketh the Star!!'' Akshay Kumar Turns Guitarist As He Parties in Goa on the Occasion of Christmas 2022.
The three-minute-long trailer showcased Emraan playing a cop, who wishes to have a selfie with his favourite actor Vijay (played by Akshay). Selfiee is the official Hindi remake of the Malayalam film Driving License, which starred Prithviraj and Suraj Venjaramoodu in lead roles. Akshay has earlier starred in Raj Mehta's Good News, which was a box-office hit. Apart from Akshay, Kareena Kapoor, Kiara Advani and Diljit Dosanjh also starred in the movie.
Emraan has teamed up with the director for the first time in Selfiee.