Actor-comedian Eddie Murphy's upcoming movie Candy Cane Lane will premiere on Prime Video on December 1, the streamer announced Wednesday. Veteran filmmaker Reginald Hudlin, who previously worked with Murphy on the 1992 hit Boomerang, has directed the holiday comedy from a screenplay written by Kelly Younger. The movie is about a man on a mission to win his neighbourhood's annual Christmas home decoration contest, according to the official synopsis. Shrek 5: Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz and Eddie Murphy to Return to Voice for the Animated Series- Reports.
"After Chris (Eddie Murphy) inadvertently makes a deal with a mischievous elf named Pepper (Jillian Bell) to better his chances of winning, she casts a magic spell that brings the 12 Days of Christmas to life and wreaks havoc on the whole town. "At the risk of ruining the holidays for his family, Chris, his wife Carol (Tracee Ellis Ross), and their three children must race against the clock to break Pepper's spell, battle deviously magical characters, and save Christmas for everyone," read the synopsis. Eddie Murphy Jokes About Will Smith’s Infamous Slapgate at Oscars During Golden Globes 2023 (Watch Viral Video).
Candy Cane Lane also features Thaddeus J Mixson, Ken Marino, Nick Offerman, Robin Thede, Chris Redd, Genneya Walton, Madison Thomas, DC Young Fly, Anjelah Johnson-Reyes and Nancy Lenehan. Murphy has also produced the movie alongside Ron Howard, Brian Grazer, Karen Lunder and Charisse Hewitt-Webster.