International artist Dua Lipa made the Indian audience go gaga with her electrifying performance in Mumbai on Saturday night. Dua not only sang her hit tracks but also surprised the crowd when she lit the stage with her performance on the fan-made mashup of her song Levitating and Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's famous track Wo Ladki Jo from his film Baadshah. Social media is flooded with clips from Dua's gig, which also witnessed the presence of renowned celebrities such as Radhika Merchant, Ranvir Shorey and Namrata Shirodkar, among others. After having an unforgettable night in India, Dua took to Instagram and expressed her gratitude to Mumbaikars. ‘Levitating’ X ‘Wo Ladki Jo’: Dua Lipa Brings Shah Rukh Khan’s Magic to Her 2024 Mumbai Concert With a Fan-Made Mashup Performance (Watch Video).
"Thank you Mumbai!!!!! off to our next and FINAL stop of the Asia run... SEOUL!!!!!," she wrote, adding a few pictures that she captured in the city. The first picture shows Dua Lipa lying down in the midst of a huge floral rangoli. She also shared some BTS images from the concert. Dua Lipa also took a boat ride from the Gateway Of India in Mumbai, and she is seen posing with her sister. Dua's performance on the mashup of Levitating x Wo Ladki Jo definitely turned out to be the highlight of her concert. SRK's daughter Suhana Khan also couldn't keep calm as she shared a video clip of the performance on her Instagram stories.
Suhana dropped a love, a dancing girl and a goofy emoji along with the post.
Dua has often expressed her love for Shah Rukh Khan. In 2019, during her India visit, Dua got the chance to meet Shah Rukh. She even posed for a picture with the Bollywood actor, who later shared it on his Instagram account. "I have decided to live by New Rules, and who better to learn them from but Dua Lipa herself? What a charming and beautiful young lady and her voice. I wish her all my love. Dua, if you can, try the steps I taught you on stage," SRK captioned the post. Dua announced her return to India in August with an Instagram post, saying, "India, I'm coming back!! My trip at the start of this year was a beautiful reminder of how much I love this place. The warmth and energy I felt from everyone I met there was amazing, and I can't wait to see you again to perform in November!!!!" Dua Lipa 2024 Mumbai Concert: Radhika Merchant, Namrata Shirodkar, Neha Sharma and Other Celebs Attend the ‘Levitating’ Singer’s Show (Watch Videos).
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Talking to Variety, Dua shared her excitement about the Zomato Feeding India Concert and said, "One of the best parts about touring the world is getting to be a tourist in so many new places, and I always find the best things to do when I'm in Asia and definitely in India. Last time I visited, I met so many warm and kind people." This is Dua's third visit to India, following her performance in 2019 and her recent vacation in Rajasthan earlier this year.