Disney has recently announced that it is adapting the classic animated movie The Aristocats into a live-action feature. Sources told Deadline that Will Gluck and Keith Bunin will pen the script, with Gluck producing through his Olive Bridge Entertainment banner. The film is based on the 1970 animated movie, which followed a family of Parisian felines who learn they are set to inherit a fortune from their owner. How I Met Your Father Misses Its January 19 Telecast Slot On Disney+ Hotstar, Fans Ask When Hilary Duff’s Series Will Drop In India.
When the owner's jealous butler kidnaps them and leaves them in the country, they must team up with a smooth-talking tomcat to try to make it back home before it's too late. Other major details including whether the film will release on theatre or OTT, are kept under the wraps. Moon Knight: Disney+ Sets March 30 as Premiere Date for Oscar Isaac’s Marvel Series.
Sources told Deadline that even though its main characters are animals, it would have a similar look to the 'Lady in the Tramp' film that bowed on Disney plus in 2019.
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