Bollywood actor Dia Mirza, who turned a year older on 9th December, was showered with love and warm wishes from her friends in the film industry. Among the first to wish Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein actor was Kareena Kapoor Khan, who shared an adorable message on her Instagram Stories. Dia Mirza Stuns in Elegant Ethnic Blue Top and Coordinated Trouser Ensemble (View Pics and Video).

Bebo posted a stunning black-and-white picture of Dia with the caption, "Happy birthday beautiful Dia, lots of love," adding a heart emoji to her heartfelt wish. Another B-town celebrity to wish Dia was Shilpa Shetty Kundra. Shilpa shared her birthday wishes in her own unique style by posting a fun and goofy picture of herself with Dia.

View Kareena Kapoor Khan's Post:

Dia Mirza (Photo Credit: Instagram)

View Shilpa Shetty's Post:

Dia Mirza (Photo Credit: Instagran)

Shilpa wrote, "Happy birthday Dia, may your life always be LIT."

Dia Mirza, who won hearts with her debut in Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein, has been a part of several acclaimed projects in Bollywood. Over the years, she has appeared in films like Lage Raho Munna Bhai, Thappad, and Sanju, showcasing her versatility as an actress.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Dia was last seen in the road drama Dhak Dhak alongside Ratna Pathak Shah, Fatima Sana Shaikh, and Sanjana Sanghi. Dia Mirza Radiates Elegance in Red Floral Saree Paired With Matching Sleeveless Blouse (See Pics).

Helmed by Tarun Dudeja, the film Dhak Dhak belongs to the adventure genre and depicts a road trip by a girl gang, defying trappings, conventions and stigma.