Actor Dhanush treated fans with the exciting announcement of his third directorial venture with a concept poster on Friday. Taking to X, Dhanush shared a poster with the release date. The poster features a beach bench with the vast blue sea in the background. Instead of one, two crescent moons doubling up as alphabets 'DD' (Dhanush's Directorial) along with the release date at the bottom. Sharing the poster, he wrote, "#DD3". D50: Dhanush Shares Update on His Second Directorial Project and 50th Film!
Dhanush, who predominately works in the Tamil film industry is known for his versatility in acting. The star who has an impressive array of roles under his belt is a widely appreciated actor down south. He has done more than 44 films to date and has won many accolades for his contribution to the entertainment industry.
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) December 22, 2023
His popular song "Why This Kolaveri Di" from the romantic psychological thriller 3 garnered millions of views on YouTube. Maryan, Anegan, Kodi, Maari sequel are some of his other hit movies in Tamil. He made his Bollywood debut with Raanjhanaa. Meanwhile. actor Nagarjuna Akkineni has come on board for Dhanush's film which is tentatively titled D51. The announcement was made on Nagarjuna's birthday. The film is being directed by Sekhar Kammula and Rashmika Mandanna is also a part of it. As per a statement, the film is being "mounted on a grand scale in multiple languages."
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