After completing his hectic schedule in Hyderabad, NTR Jr is currently busy shooting for the highly anticipated Devara: Part 1 in Goa. Taking us straight to the sets, the makers shared behind-the-scene pictures. Taking to X, film's official handle, Devara treated fans with a new glimpse and captioned the post, "Making waves in Goa!!#Devara" NTR Jr can be seen showcasing his signature style, donning a checkered shirt and dhoti, adorned with a bead necklace. He can be seen standing next to director Koratala Siva and choreographer Raju Sundaram from the montage song shoot. The magnum opus marks NTR Jr's second big collaboration with filmmaker Koratala Siva after the 2016 hit film Janatha Garage which earned immense appreciation from audiences and critics Devara will be released in two parts. The first part of the film will be released on April 5. Devara – Part 1: Jr NTR and Team Head to Goa for Upcoming Schedule of Koratala Siva’s Action Drama (Watch Video).

Devara marks the first collaboration of Janhvi with the RRR actor. The film marks NTR Jr's second big collaboration with filmmaker Koratala Siva after the 2016 hit film 'Janatha Garage'. The makers shared the release date and film poster earlier. Announcing the release date, the makers recently shared the film's new poster. In the poster, the RRR star is seen in an intense action mode. "The Lord of Fear is unleashing his tsunami of electrifying action on 10.10.24 ," the makers captioned the post on social media platform X. Devara – Part 1: NTR Jr Starts Filming Next Phase of Koratala Siva’s Film in Goa!.

NTR Jr Shares BTS Photos from Goa Shoot

Directed by Koratala Siva, Devara will unfold in two parts. The initial chapter will hit theatres on October 10, 2024, coinciding with the Dussehra weekend. The magnum opus is produced by Yuvasudha Arts and NTR Arts and presented by Nandamuri Kalyan Ram. Anirudh Ravichander composed the film's music, and R Rathnavelu filmed the cinematography.