Days after the release of Amaran, the film's team recently met with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. Taking to X, Raaj Kamal Films International, the film's official production house shared pictures of the team from the meeting with Rajnath Singh. "Actor Mr. @Siva_Kartikeyan, Producer Mr. #Mahendran, and Director Mr. @Rajkumar_KP had the privilege of meeting the Honourable Defence Minister, Mr. @rajnathsingh, today. The Honourable Minister extended his congratulations to the Amaran team for the film's remarkable success. As a biopic of Major Mukund Varadharajan, this meeting resonated deeply with the patriotic spirit and heartfelt tribute that the film embodies for our nation's heroes," the post read. ‘Amaran’ Movie Review: Critics Praise Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi’s Stellar Performances in Rajkumar Periasamy’s Biographical War Drama.

Sivakarthikeyan, director Rajkumar Periasamy and producer R Mahendran met Rajnath Singh at his residence in New Delhi. As per the PR team of Amaran, the minister congratulated the team for their "exceptional portrayal of the patriotism and heroism of Major Mukund Varadarajan and the Indian Army" in Amaran‘Amaran’ OTT Release Delayed: Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi’s Major Mukund Varadarajan Biopic to Now Stream Online in December?

Team ‘Amaran’ Meets Defence Minister Rajnath Singh

Amaran, a biopic of Major Mukund Varadarajan, hit the theatres on October 31. Produced by Kamal Haasan, R. Mahendran, and Sony Pictures International Productions, the film brings together the talents of Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi under the direction of Rajkumar Periasamy.

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