West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday condoled the death of Bengali actor Aindrila Sharma on Sunday at the age of 24. In a statement, the Bengal CM said, "I am deeply saddened by the untimely demise of eminent actress Aindrila Sharma. She breathed (her) last in Howrah today. The promising young actress was only 24 years old." Aindrila, who died after suffering multiple cardiac arrests last night, had been awarded the Tele Samman Award this year in the 'Outstanding Comeback' category by the West Bengal government. Actress Aindrila Sharma Dies at 24 in Kolkata.

A cancer survivor, she had recently made a comeback to the industry, said media reports. "The way she fought against the deadly disease with indomitable spirit will remain an example. Her tragic death is a great loss to the acting world," CM Banerjee said. In a tweet condoling Aindrila's death, the CM said, "Deeply saddened at the untimely demise of our young artiste Aindrila Sharma. The talented actress won several accolades, including the 'Tele Samman Award'. My deepest condolences to her family, fans and friends. I pray they find courage in this hour of grief." Aindrila Sharma Put on Ventilator After Multiple Cardiac Arrests.

Aindrila's notable TV serials include Jhumur, Mahapeeth Tarapeeth, Jeeban Jyoti, Jeeban Katha, Jeonkaathi etc. She also acted in a few films.

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