Deepika Padukone has set the temperature soaring with her new still from Pathaan's upcoming song Besharam Rang'! On Saturday, Shah Rukh Khan took to social media to share Deepika's look from the upcoming song and needless to say, it has the internet talking. Hansika Motwani, Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra – Celebs Who Picked Red Wedding Lehengas!.

"Mirror mirror on the wall, she's the most glamorous of them all! #BesharamRang song dropping on 12th Dec at 11 AM. Celebrate #Pathaan with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 25th January 2023. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu," wrote SRK while sharing the extremely hot photo of Deepika. In the photo, Deepika is seen in a yellow bikini, gazing into the camera, oozing charm. Hrithik Roshan Grooving to ‘Ek Pal Ka Jeena’ at Red Sea International Film Festival Will Make You Nostalgic (Watch Video).

On Friday, Deepika gave a sneak peek into the upcoming song with yet another hot avatar in gold swimwear! As 'Besharam Rang' will be unveiled on December 12, Deepika, on Friday, shared a glimpse of her look from the track. As per the makers, the song is supposedly set to present Deepika at her hottest best and showcase the breathtaking chemistry between her and superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Speaking more about the song, director Siddharth Anand said, "Besharam Rang will present two of the biggest superstars of our generation Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in their hottest avatar yet. For us, this one is the party anthem of the season that people have been waiting for and I'm confident that it will stay a party anthem for many, many years to come.

Check Out Deepika's Hot Look Below:


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So, I want to tell the fans and audience to patiently wait for the song when it releases on Monday morning! The wait for this one will be worth every second from now!" Pathaan, which is scheduled to hit the theatres on January 25, 2023, also stars John Abraham.

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